Test: Do you need a consolidation tool? Test: Do you need a consolidation tool? Does the consolidation process take too much of your time? Then a consolidation tool may be the solution for you. Answer 10 simple questions and get a clear indication of whether it would be profitable for you to invest in a consolidation solution. How large is your group? (No. of employees) 0 -10 10 - 25 25 - 50 50 - 250 +250 None How many subsidiaries are there in your group? 0-2 3-5 5+ 10+ None Do you own 100 per cent of the subsidiaries? Yes No We dont own any subsidiaries None How many different currencies do you work with? 1 2-3 4-5 5+ None From how many different ERP systems do you collect data? 1 2 3+ None How often do you consolidate? Annually Quarterly Monthly None Do you report to the management on a monthly basis, or do you have the intent to do so? Yes No None Challenges Do you experience some of the following issues when consolidating? (Select one or more) Collecting data across companies is difficult We do not have the relevant eliminations We are limited as only a few colleagues are able to consolidate correctly We lack the total overview of group structure, owner shares, and majority and minority interests Our consolidation process is too heavy and too time consuming We experience none of the issues above Consent For us to send you the test result, we need to store and process your data. At any time, you can ask for insight into what we have registered about you, and you can ask us to delete it. Learn more from our privacy policy. I give permission for InfoSuite to store and process my data None Newsletter Will you allow us to send advice for simpler and easier budgeting and consolidation? You can unsubscribe at any time. Yes No None 1 out of 10 Name Company Mail Phone Time's up By Sine Mølgaard|2023-07-19T13:21:57+02:0026. June 2023|Comments Off on Test: Do you need a consolidation tool? Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! FacebookXRedditLinkedInWhatsAppTumblrPinterestVkXingEmail About the Author: Sine Mølgaard