Budgeting and analysis in one solution
InfoSuite is a dedicated budgeting and consolidation tool, which automates the processes in the financial department. A precondition for working with financial planning is to analyse historic data.
Therefore, our BI tool is included in the package when investing in InfoSuite. This is where InfoSuite collects data from the many data sources of your company and presents the most important company insights in dashboards, analyses, and reports.
With the InfoSuite BI tool you get the ultimate overview of your business. And in case you already have a well-functioning BI solution, we simply connect InfoSuite to it.
Insight and overview in one place
The BI tool from InfoSuite extracts, transforms and presents the most important data of your company.
You get a total overview that lets you run your business efficiently. And you will be aware of business-critical data, which allow you to make decisions based on facts.
InfoSuite Business Intelligence extracts data from the numerous data sources of your company and presents the most essential knowledge in dashboards, analyses, and reports.
You get a BI tool with a user-friendly platform, a powerful ETL engine and predefined templates and data integrations. An effective tool for analysis of the company performance across departments, job functions and data sources.
InfoSuite Business Intelligence – in short
Templates: Operational BI solution
We have developed a number of templates presenting the key analyses and reports within sales, purchase/stock, and finance.
The templates are developed on the basis of our ETL engine, which provides for a smooth and simple start using business intelligence. In addition to this, the predefined solutions guarantee that you only pay for functions and analyses you need.

The InfoSuite BI tool provides:

..and our embedded BI tool comes with ready-to-run analysis packages
Our BI tool is automatically included when investing in InfoSuite. To make it easy and simple for you to get started using the tool, we have developed a different analysis packages presenting the most important analyses and reports within sales and finance.
The analysis packages are both time- and cost-saving, as the analyses have been developed beforehand. The analysis packages are flexible and can be adjusted to match your specific needs and requirements.
Business Intelligence is good value for money
And we are not just saying that. It has been proven over and over by the American analysis institute, Nuclear Research.
Nuclear Research has examined the Return on Investment for BI solutions in American companies. The investigation shows that companies get up to 968 % in return, depending on how widely the BI tool is integrated.
So there are no financial excuses for not getting started using BI.
Business insight across the group
The total supplier of tool solutions, Kyocera Unimerco Tooling, among other things uses InfoSuite for distributing management information across the group of more than 700 employees.
“Unimerco is a group consisting of several companies, so a large part of the InfoSuite users operate at management level. We have 16 companies and several branch offices, and the management needs business insight in all areas.”

Haribo has collected information in one place
More than 15 years ago, Haribo started using the InfoSuite BI tool for analysis of the sale of sweets in shops. Now, InfoSuite is implemented for several purposes throughout the business areas in order to strengthen sales and save time in the daily operations.
Unlimited integration of data
InfoSuite gathers, sorts, and presents basically all types of data – no matter the data source. However, some data sources occur more frequently and for these we have made predefined ETL solutions, allowing you to get started using BI easier, quicker, and at reduced costs.
The engine behind your BI solution
The ETL engine standardises the process of implementing InfoSuite in your company. That makes it easier, quicker and less expensive to get started using a BI or budget solution. At the same time, our ETL engine offers a number of opportunities that you will not find elsewhere.