Get a complete overview of your law firm
With InfoSuite’s Budget and Business Intelligence solution for Unik Advosys, you gain unique insights into time usage, case management, and performance, enabling you to run a better business.
We offer Budget and Business Intelligence tailored to the legal industry.
Budget & BI for Unik Advosys
InfoSuite and Unik have partnered to offer law firms a specially tailored Budget and BI package solution, based on data from Unik Advosys. A fully prepared integration between Unik Advosys and InfoSuite ensures that you can easily implement your new Budget and BI solution, and that users in the company can get started quickly.
Your data from Unik Advosys, including cases, time entries, budgets, booked fees, and billing, are automatically transferred and updated to InfoSuite. The BI package solution includes five comprehensive analyses, allowing you to gain a complete overview of your business and perform detailed analyses through InfoSuite.
Gain insight and better visibility
Do you spend a lot of time searching for the information you need to make important decisions? Do you feel like you lack a comprehensive overview of your business?
With InfoSuite Budget and BI solution, you get complete visibility into all the parameters that are crucial for the legal industry. InfoSuite automatically consolidates your data from all relevant data sources.
This will save you time on manual tasks and provide you with better insights into your business, allowing you to focus on the things that create the most value.
Use time and resources effectively
The InfoSuite Budget and BI solution for the legal industry includes a range of predefined templates, analyses, and KPIs based on the needs expressed by our existing customers in the field—all focused on optimizing efficiency and performance.
Data is automatically collected from all your existing IT systems, such as AdvoPro, Unik Advosys, and others. This ensures that you always have easy access to updated budgets and information, providing you with the best possible decision-making basis and insight into your business.
Analyses and key figures ready for use
With InfoSuite Budget and BI for the legal industry, you gain unique opportunities to budget for and analyze your business. The InfoSuite Advosys solution includes analyses of:
Få en samlet løsning til finansiel analyse & planlægning
Værktøj til nemmere budgettering
Ved at kombinere din BI-løsning med InfoSuites budgetværktøj bliver det muligt at indtaste budgetter og forecasts direkte i løsningen.
Du får en tidsbesparende forecasting- og budgetteringsprocedure, der kan decentraliseres hos de budgetansvarlige. Konsolideringen foregår automatisk, og straks efter indtastning er alle budgetter klar til at blive inddraget i jeres analyser.
Analyser til effektiv økonomistyring
Kombinér dine forretningsanalyser med InfoSuite analysepakke til Finans og få overblik over regnskaber, balance, resultatopgørelser og debitor- og kreditoranalyser.
De finansielle rapporter og analyser udarbejdes og opdateres nemt og hurtigt, og du kan let folde de enkelte poster ud og nedbryde dem til de mest detaljerede transaktionsniveauer.
Penta Advokater har med stor succes implementeret InfoSuite Budget og BI med direkte integration til Unik Advosys og opnået en væsentlig bedre indsigt i forretningen.
Inden Penta Advokater investerede i InfoSuite, udskrev de forskellige statistikker fra Unik Advosys lagde dem ind i regneark, og regnede videre derfra.
Det var en særdeles tung og tidskrævende proces med stor risiko for fejl. Nu er processerne automatiserede.
Skal vi snakke mere om Advosys?
Så ta’ endeligt kontakt til mig!
Jeg er altid klar på en snak om, hvordan InfoSuite og vores værktøjer kan skabe værdi for dig og din virksomhed.
Laila Pedersen
2526 5157