With InfoSuite you get an integrated and data-driven standard solution for the entire finance department

We streamline your budgeting, consolidation, forecasting and reporting proces. Get started quickly and save time from day 1.

Trusted by customers both national and international. Read their stories here.

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A dedicated tool for budgeting and consolidation

InfoSuite integrerer alle dine data

Data collection

InfoSuite is equipped with integrations ready to use, enabling you to rapidly activate data in your budgeting and planning. And with easy control of users’ data access.

Dedikeret budgetværktøj


InfoSuite makes it simple to make error-free budgets and precise forecasts, allowing you to plan the future of your company at an informed basis.

Budgetværktøj med modul til finansiel konsolidering


InfoSuite consolidates automatically across consolidated accounts and currency exchange rates. At the same time, you get the long-term overview of the company cashflow.

Rapportering er en vigtig del af din virksomheds budgettering


Successive budget follow-up and thorough analyses through dashboards, KPI monitoring, and automatic report distribution.

Datadrevet planlægning med InfoSuites budgetværktøj


Plan operation and efforts based on up-to-date and valid data about the business and the outside world and get full documentation of all figures and entries.

Our products and solutions


InfoSuite streamlines entry and consolidation of budgets through intelligent and detailed budget proposals based on data.

You can operate with rolling budgets and forecasts, analyse possible scenarios, and follow up on budget achievements with the updated reports and dashboards.


In InfoSuite the financial reporting is defined for each company and as a total for the group based on the group structure under consideration of owner shares, currency conversions, intercompany trade, eliminations as well as different chart of accounts and financial systems.

Standard integrations to ERP systems

We have standard integrations to the most popular ERP systems


Technology, markets and competition is constantly evolving. But a large number of companies have not kept pace. We help companies extract data to the core of the business, enabling them to optimise processes, improve services and gain market shares.


We link our proprietary software products to the specialised advisory services of our experienced consultants and entrusted partners. This creates solutions to real challenges as we can focus on the goals, culture and business of the individual company.


InfoSuite is a developer of software solutions for Budgeting, Business Intelligence and Performance Management. Our tools help you digitalise business processes and provide you with insight, overview and factual backup when making important decisions.

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