For more than 10 years, GASA NORD GRØNT has been a customer of InfoSuite. Using both InfoSuite BI and InfoSuite Budget has provided the company with a number of advantages.
Overview with daily reporting
At GASA NORD GRØNT sales reporting has become much easier and less time consuming with InfoSuite BI.
”Every day two reports are distributed to the employees in the entire organisation. One report shows development in sales for the individual products compared to the budget. The other report sums up on total sales compared to the budget and visualises it in various ways. These reports make it easy for everybody to see how the company progresses, even if not directly working in sales”, Pia Kruse, IT Coordinator at Gasa Nord Grønt explains.
In addition to this, the employees can analyse any figure they may find relevant.
”With InfoSuite we have easy access to the business analyses and the overview needed, which is a big advantage”.
”People no longer have to wait for the IT department when they need analyses – they can easily find the figures in InfoSuite themselves. By actively using the analyses, they can find the answer quickly and they gain a deeper insight in the business”, says Pia Kruse.
Essential tool for the sellers
In order to follow the development in sales, it is essential to the sellers at GASA NORD GRØNT effortless to find figures from the same period last year. That gives an indication of whether they are on track or if some parameters need adjustment.
”On our sellers’ planning meetings, they can easily extract figures from last year’s sales. It can be difficult to make precise budgets based on last year’s figures, for example due to the significance of the weather. Still, it adds value to be able to deal with the sales figures and make in-depth analysis. Growers can also use the figures as a tool for planning the sowing of crop for future seasons”.
”Moreover, the sellers use InfoSuite when presenting to customers. It is essential for them to be capable of showing the customers own data in a presentable format at the meetings”, Pia Kruse explains.

Time saving budgeting
GASA NORD GRØNT has recently implemented InfoSuite Budget, which means that they have been able to quit the large budget spreadsheets.
”We used to spend a lot of time working with the often very comprehensive budget spreadsheets. That complicated budgeting, and we experienced flaws in the figures due to for example formula errors. With InfoSuite Budget we avoid these errors and budgeting is much easier”, says Pia Kruse.
The sales staff also include the budgets in their daily routines, and follow-up on customers in general has been facilitated.
”From InfoSuite Budget we can make budgets in detail for both products and customers. The sellers make their budgets based on expected sales to the individual customers, and the budgeted amounts then form the basis for the expected turnover”.
”Budgeting is made at the same level as earlier, but InfoSuite visualises it and allows us to improve the analysis of the individual customer. We can now easily monitor the customers to see if they follow the budget or if there are deviations”, explains Pia Kruse.
Long-standing cooperation with InfoSuite
Cooperating with InfoSuite has always been highly satisfactory to GASA NORD GRØNT.
”We have a great teamwork with the consultants at InfoSuite. When we need assistance or when we meet challenges in the system, the consultants always solve the issues competently”.
”Most recently, when we implemented InfoSuite Budget, we had a consultant assigned full time, who was focused and executed the projected effectively and fast,” Pia Kruse explains.
GASA NORD GRØNT is one of the leading providers of Danish fruits and vegetables. More than 61 associated growers daily supply fresh produce to retailers in the country.
The majority of the produce is sold to Danish retail chains, distributors and to the food industry.
The GASA NORD GRØNT head office is located in Brabrand near Århus, and with a department in Sakskøbing, Lolland.