OBH Rådgivende Ingeniører got a uniform budgeting process with an unambiguous methodology

“Now, we have an unambiguous procedure for our budgeting which is always made in the same way.”

OBH Rådgivende Ingeniører faced the challenge of keeping track of different budget spreadsheet versions that were updated by various employees throughout the organisation. As the need for frequent and detailed budgets increased, it was essential to find an unambiguous and methodical approach to replace the spreadsheets. The market was examined before choosing InfoSuite.

In this solution:


Uncertainty has been eliminated

Lone Tindø, Controller at OBH Rådgivende Ingeniører, says: “What appeals to us is that InfoSuite is an all-inclusive tool. We can collect our processes about budgeting, forecasting, cashflow, reporting, and consolidation in one place.” The InfoSuite tool allows Lone Tindø and the other appr. 10 users from OBH Rådgivende Ingeniører to work more methodically than earlier.

“Now, we have an unambiguous procedure for our budgeting which is always made in the same way. That makes it easy for us to make valid and transparent budgets with a minimum risk of errors. Once the set-up is in place, it just runs smoothly,” Lone Tindø says. She adds: “Previously, formula errors in spreadsheets would occur occasionally. We are past that now and have a higher confidence in the figures.”

The choice of InfoSuite was made due to its many functions collected in one tool. Even though it has been largely positive for OBH Rådgivende Ingeniører, Lone Tindø yet elaborates the decision: “The fact that the product offers a large number of functions has been of great advantage to us, however, it may also act like a barrier. Due to its many functions, we had high expectations for our use of InfoSuite, but our own time has been the greatest constraint in our effort to exploit the opportunities. Fortunately, we are now well on our way.”

A picture of Controller Lone Tindø

Link between InfoSuite and Power BI provides overview

OBH Rådgivende Ingeniører have decided to link InfoSuite and Power BI to achieve a better overview in their daily operation. As Power BI was already implemented in other parts of the company, they now transfer all figures from InfoSuite to Power BI. “That provides an excellent overview in the day-to-day operation. Power BI had already been implemented, so it made sense to continue using the program,” Lone Tindø says. It provides a better overview, and they can assure that the data visualised in Power BI are reliable, as they have been entered and verified in InfoSuite.

A logo from OBH Rådgivende Ingeniører

Who is OBH Rådgivende Ingeniører?

OBH Rådgivende Ingeniører specialise within engineering services with a vision to improve people’s lives, learning, and work. Through a wide range of consultancy and services they contribute to providing good, healthy, and stimulating physical premises where we reside the most – housing, institutions, and workplaces. OBH Rådgivende Ingeniører was founded in 1965 and employs approximately 260 persons. The company’s head office is in Odense, Denmark and it has offices in Aarhus and Copenhagen as well.

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Anne Mette Søndergaard Christensen
+45 2526 5126

InfoSuite employee Anne Mette Søndergaard Christensen