Byggmakker CF has 13 branches and an annual turnover of 1,2 billion. They continuously analyse realised figures, budgets and the development within the company with InfoSuite BI, which saves time and makes it possible to react quickly to market changes.
Byggmakker CF uses, among others, InfoSuite to analyse store performance and for sale and stock analyses.
The ultimate insight into crucial key figures
Every morning day-to-day managers and store managers automatically receive reports and analyses from InfoSuite BI. With updated turnover and stock development figures the stores can respond to challenges immediately. “This automation releases a lot of time and resources for us”, Erik Ilestad, logistics– and IT manager of Byggmakker CF, explains. Since 2007 they have used InfoSuite BI for analysing and reporting the company’s position and development.”
“InfoSuite makes it easy to follow up on campaigns, and among other things we can continuously analyse turnover rate, contribution margin, P&L statement and balance“, Erik Ilestad explains.
Easy and user-friendly knowledge sharing
“We find InfoSuite to be very user-friendly. For every report I can decide myself who should be able to see it. At any time everyone knows how they are performing“, Ilestad stresses, and adds:
“The reports are automatically distributed through e-mail and consist of two pages, where the first page has graphic elements which show the development within different key figures illustrated by speedometers, and gives an immediate overview. Green is good and yellow figures should be monitored, while red figures are undesirable. The second page of the report consists of more accurate tables and measures results against e.g. last year, the budget or last month”.
Infinite amount of possibilities
The different users at Byggmakker CF — 30-40 in total — can log on to extract information or go into depth with the yellow and red figures.
“InfoSuite is tailored for analysis and reporting. We can make our own analyses and the greatest advantage of InfoSuite is that you can start out at an overall level and drill down to lower levels as needed.”
“The amount of possibilities is infinite. For example, we can separate cash sales from invoice customers, the B2B market from the B2C market, and we are even able to look at a single order or a single purchase. If desired, we can extract reports about how much flooring each building material store is selling or measure the turnover rate on different seasonal products“, Ilestad explains.
Close cooperation with the ERP provider
After having used InfoSuite for five years Byggmakker CF is still very satisfied with their BI tool.
“An important reason for us choosing InfoSuite was that they are strategic partner of Aspect4. The companies cooperate on updates and this cooperation between the ERP and BI tool was important for us. It was fast to implement and everything is running very stable on our IBM i-Series-server.”
About Byggmakker CF
In 2007, the two companies with proud traditions, Trechow Fritzøe AS and H. Carlsen, merged and became Carlsen Fritzøe Handel A/S. Later, they became a part of Byggmakker CF and today Byggmakker CF is one of the largest companies i Norway within the building trade.
Today, Byggmakker CF has 25 modern building warehouses, all of which are located in Southern and Eastern Norway. Together, the company’s more than 700 employees generate an annual turnover of NOK 2 billion.
The company’s finances are handled by the ERP solution Aspect4, and since 2007 they have used InfoSuite BI for analysing and budgetting for the company’s position and development.
Get in touch
If you want to hear more about Byggmakker CFs use of InfoSuite and their budget model, please contact Flemming for more information.
Flemming Rasmussen