InfoSuite collects all data in one place and gives a complete overview

“InfoSuite easily collects data from different ERP-systems which was crucial for our choice.”

On their road to growth with the ambition to include more subsidiaries, AC Group needed a tool that could collect data from various ERP systems.

”InfoSuite easily collects data from different ERP systems which was crucial for our choice. We have subsidiaries running on AX, NAV, and BC, and our future solution should be able to handle that”, says Randi Bebe, who works as Financial Controller at AC Group A/S.

Randi started at AC Group back in 2018, and since InfoSuite was implemented in 2019, she has been a part of the process of selecting, implementing, and launching the InfoSuite solution. Randi is responsible for the overall consolidated accounts, where she collects financial data from all subsidiaries. Therefore, Randi can only imagine the daily operation, if AC Group had not implemented a tool like InfoSuite:

”We would have been stuck in a large spreadsheet where we had to manually collect large amounts of data and then piece it together into a total view. That would have been a far too heavy and complex process involving too much data and resulting in too many errors.”

In this solution:


A logo from AC Group

Who is AC Group?

AC Group is a 100 % Danish, family-owned group. It all started in 1958, when Peter Anker Christensen had the idea of making hydraulic lifting equipment in his blacksmith’s workshop in Viborg, Denmark. Today, the group operates within four main areas: AUTO, MOTION, HANDLING, and ESTATE. The group currently has 8 subsidiaries, 275 employees, and a turnover of impressive 449 million DKK in 2022.

The AC Group InfoSuite solution

AC Group prepares different budgets in InfoSuite including payroll, capital, sales, balance sheet, and PL, and totally approximately 25 employees are using InfoSuite. Some daily, others mostly in relation to the monthly follow-up and during the autumn budget roll process. The ambition is to have the entire manufacturing and sales departments using InfoSuite on a daily basis which is an ongoing process: ”We are a large business and it takes time to get all on board, but the plan is to integrate InfoSuite even more in the daily operation, as this would be to our benefit”, Randi Bebe says.

A picture of a machine from AC Group

”InfoSuite understands our way of thinking and our business”

”One of the consultants we address the most really understands our conduct of business and the way we operate. We have also had some requests outside the usual reporting for our InfoSuite solution, and these have often been met” Randi Bebe says.

One of the particular requests from AC Group was a large screen solution for both sales and manufacturing showing daily sales figures and incoming orders: ”That was made specifically for us – and InfoSuite soon understood our wishes and made them com through”, Randi Bebe explains and continues: ”We appreciate that our company does not have to fit into a specific template and that we can have programming customised specifically for us”.

”New knowledge is always available”

As an InfoSuite customer you can participate monthly in free online webinars where different consultants talk about specific options and functions in InfoSuite. Randi also takes advantage of this:

”There is a wide range of webinars, and there is almost always new knowledge available. Even though not all topics are equally relevant to me, there are always small useful tips, and I try to participate in as many webinars as possible.”

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We are always ready to share some stories from our customers’ experiences with InfoSuite. Give me a call and let’s have a chat about how we can help you get more value out of your business data.

Anne Mette Søndergaard Christensen
+45 2526 5126

InfoSuite employee Anne Mette Søndergaard Christensen