Get a precise profit budget – completely automatic

The profit budget, also known as the operating budget, gives you an overview of your expected income and expenses. With InfoSuite Budget, you get effective access to entering your company’s budget, combined with a number of smart features.

Easy budget entry

The profit budget is an important element of your business, but it can also be a time-consuming task to design it. However, the budget process can be facilitated with InfoSuite’s budget solution.

Budgets are entered at the level of detail you want, and you decide if you want to enter budgets by day, week, month or total of the year.

Smart integration between sales budgets, cost budgets, and the like ensures that the performance budget is automatically updated on the right accounts. An automatic calculation of your cash flow budget can also be set based on the entered budgets.

Arbejd med resultatbudget i InfoSuite Budget

Entry of department budgets

In many companies, budgets are filled in at departmental level. In InfoSuite, the individual budgets are fully consolidated as soon as they are entered. The profit budget is aggregated without the need for manual aggregations, and you get a total profit budget immediately.

Each department has the opportunity to associate explanatory notes with the individual budget entries, which provide an insight into the calculations behind the total profit budget.

Starting from last year’s figures

During the actual entry of the result budget, support features, such as calculators, residual budgeting and distribution keys, are practical tools for ease of work.

Realised numbers are loaded automatically, making it easy to set the budget for results based on budget proposals based on historical data.

Gain control of your finances

Combine your profit budget with InfoSuite BI for finance and get an overview of accounts, balance sheets, income statements and debtor and creditor analyses.

Financial reports and analyses are prepared and updated easily and quickly, and you can easily fold individual items and break them down to the most detailed transaction levels.