With InfoSuite’s scalable budget tool you can tailor a solution that meets all needs for financial planning & analysis
Tailor your budget solution with InfoSuite’s modules
When companies come to us, they are usually on the lookout for a budget solution – a dedicated tool that can simplify budgeting and release them from the spreadsheets. And when they eventually invest in InfoSuite, they often end up with much more than just a budget tool.
With InfoSuite you can create a solution that covers all needs for financial planning and analysis.
Simplified budgeting
Basically, InfoSuite is a dedicated tool that automates the budgeting process from start to finish; both setup, entry and follow up of budgets becomes better, easier and faster.
Data driven planning
You can also expand your budgeting with more financial planning – for example, you can conduct rolling forecasts and scenario planning with ease and precision.
BI and reporting
When you invest in InfoSuite for budgeting you have free access to our BI tool, in which you can choose between plug and play templates – full of analyses, reports and dashboards to provide you with first class business intelligence at a favorable price. And if you already operate with a well-functioning BI solution, we’ll integrate with it.
Cash flow management
You can also add our module for cash flow management with budgets, forecasts and simulations. This will provide you with a complete overview of both the short- and long-term cash flows of your business.
And if you manage more companies, you should take a look at our module for financial consolidation. This will help you consolidate accounts and conduct budgeting across companies and currencies.
Data integrations
To get the whole engine running, InfoSuite has to collect and activate your data. That’s why InfoSuite includes an integration for whatever ERP-system you may have. And if there are specific data sources, you want to include in InfoSuite, we will find a way to get them.